I'm Dan: A fifty-something guy with a mostly uneventful, mostly enjoyable life in the Willamette Valley. I work, spend most evenings at home with my wife, and generally putter about as the mood strikes me. I'm what you might call a part-time creative. You know, that workmate who margin-doodles in meetings, sketches the stapler/tape dispenser/whatever else happens to be lying around on his desk, and carries around books with titles like Learning to See Creatively or Drawing the Living Figure.
I''m finally owning that I'd love to be a full-time creative, but I haven't figured out how to do it and pay the bills as well. Yet. Regardless, I enjoy the process of creating. In fact I get cranky and depressed when I haven't created something in too long a time. So I try to draw pictures, take photographs, write words, hopefully often enough to keep me smiling.
Oh. You wanna know more?
Well, that wife I mentioned is a truly amazing woman, and we've got three wonderful (grown up) kids to boot. Uh. I live in a house that was built in 1970-something, and I lease my car. ...what else... I work way too many job-hours some days, but often enjoy the work, at least to some degree, so that's something.
What's that? You still wanna know more?
Hmm. Well, I...
- Sleep in a queen sized bed.
- Buy jeans 2 pairs at a time and wear 'em 'til they're mostly holes, then buy two more. (I don't know why.)
- Can do some things a little better than average, and a few things a lot better.
- Don't drink.
- Don't smoke.
- Love red meat, but eat mostly chicken.
- Would rather read than watch TV.
- Make a mean peanut butter sandwich (this is not a joke).
Ah. Now you're wondering what I look like.
Well. You know the talented fellow who played Superman in the late 70s and early 80s, Christopher Reeve? I look almost exactly like him.
Except shorter.
Except shorter.
And pudgier.
And quite a bit balder.
I do wear glasses and have a charmingly authentic smile, though.
Just like Clark Kent.
Just like Clark Kent.